— Sabaa Tahir (@sabaatahir) October 8, 2018 A growing number of YA authors have spearheaded the 28 Days of Action campaign. Their intent is to motivate fans to replace our latent fury with directed and hopeful action. Since October 8, authors have been sharing daily single actions they are taking to become involved in the political races that matter most to them. It could be checking on your registration status, donating to a campaign, or writing postcards for a political race. The point they are making is that change happens brick by brick, one day at a time. https://www.instagram.com/p/BorbT2NH_JK/ This marks another move by members of the kidlit community to spark hope and activism in the greater community. They made waves with the Kid Lit Says No Kids in Cages campaign. More recently, they voiced their support for sexual abuse survivors above all politics with the hashtag #KidLit4Truth. Now, we are shrouded by a cloud of despair, strengthened by the belief that our government is broken. So the YA community is reminding us with #28DaysofAction that we can empower ourselves by taking take small steps forward. If you need help trying to jump-start your own daily actions, check your voter registration status, or start researching the elections happening in your district. After that, you can consider bigger steps. Just keep an eye on what your favorite YA authors are doing for inspiration.