Princess Mononoke is set in a historical fantasy version of Japan, and centers around gods and humans coming into conflict over the overuse of natural resources and environmental destruction. Ashitaka, a young prince, gets caught in the middle of this conflict when he must leave his home behind after being cursed while protecting his village from a demon-corrupted boar god. Among those he encounters are Lady Eboshi, the ruler of Iron Town (a refuge for societal outcasts that had been established by clearing massive swaths of forest) and San, the eponymous Princess Mononoke who was raised in the wild by the wolf goddess Moro. The two women are bitter enemies, and their clash comes to a head when Lady Eboshi sets out to hunt and kill the Great Forest Spirit, while San endeavors to protect it. The film is a gorgeous, atmospheric examination of our relationship to nature, and it acknowledges the complexity and moral ambiguity of that relationship. Princess Mononoke does not paint the world in black and white, but instead presents a nuanced exploration of it, allowing the characters their humanity as well as their brutality. Needless to say, stories like Princess Mononoke are something I’m always craving, even if just subconsciously. To be quite honest, it’s a pretty tall order, considering the film’s significance to me personally. But of course, those stories do exist, as long as one knows where to look. And that place is right here! In honor of the film’s 25th anniversary, I have gathered this selection of books that look at related subject matter, feature badass female leads reminiscent of San and the other strong women of Princess Mononoke, and succeed in capturing a similarly bewitching tone to my most beloved Ghibli movie.

Books Like Princess Mononoke

For more excellent and enchanting reading recommendations, check out our other Studio Ghibli posts!

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